We require an@indiana.edu
email address in order to notify you when your query
results are ready. You do not need to leave the browser window open
while a query is processing.
HashtagsA comma-separated list of hashtags. Returns all tweets containing any
of the listed hashtags. Trailing wildcards are supported."qtype": "meme",
"q": "#yolo,#swag*"
URLsA comma-separated list of URLs. Returns all tweets containing any of
the listed URLs. Specify scheme (http or https) and subdomains;
trailing wildcards are encouraged."qtype": "meme",
"q": "http://cnn.com*, https://cnn.com*, http://m.cnn.com*, https://m.cnn.com*"
User MentionsA comma-separated list of User Ids and Screen Names. Returns all tweets containing any of
the listed Users. You must specify both the user id and screen name for each user. Users
must be in the format @user_id(screen_name)
."qtype": "meme",
"q": "@187521608(truthyatindiana)"
WordsA comma-separated list of individual words. Trailing wildcards are supported. Returns all tweets containing
any of the listed words."qtype": "word",
"q": "occupy*,ows"
PhraseA single phrase consisting of one or more words and/or memes. Returns
tweets containing all tokens in the specified order. If you submit a file containing phrases
and select Tweet id as the output type, final tweets will be in a directory called
finalTweetIds."qtype": "phrase",
"q": "occupy wall street"
User IDA comma-separated list of user ID numbers. Note that these are not the
same thing as screen names, although Twitter's REST APIenables you to get one from the other."qtype": "userid",
"q": "2351174557,461275725575"
Retweeted Status IDA comma-separated list of status ID numbers. Returns all tweets
retweeting the specified
tweets."qtype": "retweetid",
"q": "240859602684612608,239413543487819778"
Coordinate BoxA coordinate box specified by two points like lat1,lon1:lat2,lon2
. Returns tweets geo-tagged with coordinates inside the specified box."qtype": "coord_box",
"q": "39.93,-86.34:39.62,-85.95"
Random Tweet SampleA random sample of tweets, based on tweet id for given period of time. To get the sample,
we useRandomRowFilterfrom Apache HBase.
Chance which represents the probability for a row to be included in the result set is provided by the user. It is a
floating point number between 0-1.
Returns either tweet ids or tweet content.This query is only available for data from January 2018."qtype": "random-tweets"
RetweetsA list of retweet objects for given period of time.
Returns either tweet ids or tweet content."qtype": "retweets",
CashtagsA comma-separated list of cashtags (i.e. Stock Symbols). Returns all tweets containing any
of the listed cashtags. Trailing wildcards are supported."qtype": "meme",
"q": "$GOOG,$GE"
User Single TweetsReturns single tweet for each user id in the userids file for given period of time.
Returns tweet content."qtype": "user-tweets",
All TweetsA list of tweet ids for a given period of time. Do not query for more than 6 hours.
Returns either tweet ids or tweet content."qtype": "all-tweets",
All MemesA list of memes (hashtags and links) for a given period of time.
The tweet ids directory contains two types of files, one only contains tweet ids and
another contains a map from each meme to a list of tweet ids with that meme.
May also returns tweet content. Do not query for more than 6 hours."qtype": "all-memes",
Data is available for only the previous 36 months. Specifying a date further
in the past than 36 months will cause your query to fail.
Start time and end time specify the time period over which to search.
It should be specified with the GUI time/date controls if your
browser supports them, or else in ISO format, e.g.
You can specify time resolution up to the second, but only the date
is mandatory.
Note: not all output types are available for all input types.
- Tweet id
A list of tweet status ids. This is a very fast query, and the output
is suitable for retrieval using Twitter's API, or for offline
union/intersection to enable more complex queries.
- Tweet content
One or more JSON-lines files containing tweet objects. Each line in
these files corresponds to one status, and contains the fields
detailed in the Twitter API documentation.
- Counts
A count of each input item. For queries that allow multiple query
terms, this returns the number of tweets matching each term.
- Time Series
A count of all matching tweets, grouped by day.
- Word count
Counts the occurrences of each token in each tweet text matched by the
- Cooccurrence
A list of hashtags occurring in the same tweets as the specified
hashtag(s), along with a count of each cooccurrence. This is
most often used with a single specified hashtag.
- Heatmap
Geospatio-temporal heatmap, used for the OSoMe Maps tool.
Each row gives the date, latitude, longitude, and how many tweets
came from that location on that date. Lat/lon are rounded and
grouped to two decimal places.
- Retweet/mention edges in/out
Returns an edge list for the retweet/mention network. Edges are
directed, so one must specify their direction.
When text is selected, just type your query in the text box.
If your query is more than a couple hundred characters long, select file and upload a plain text file containing your query elements, one per
This is an optional label to help you keep your query results organized.